Framing subject
CRITIQUE: I think i should try different places to frame the subject. I used auto mode on the camera. If i were to do this assignment again i would try to be more creative. Looking back I don't think my photograph belongs on my blogs home page. I'll probably redo this assignment in the future and edit the picture more. I don't think I have a strong composition.
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The article gave me some useful information. Like for instance using trees to help frame the subject as well as a doorway( which was what I was going for). In the website digital photo mentor aid to frame something interesting. Then in the article "Tips to emphasize your subject in photography" it gave good advice. For instance not to stay in the same position and try to move around, try different locations. In the last article " Framing your shots" it talked about giving a sense of depth and try to drag the viewer into the focal point. |
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